Ideas for fundraising

THE WAY TV does not sell advertising, nor do programme presenters ask for gifts. Instead we rely on donations from individuals, groups and churches to fund the making of our high quality, culturally relevant Christian programmes.

Ideas for fundraising


Help us raise £20,000 while you have dinner!

We urgently need to raise money to produce a series of programmes specifically broadcast the news and what is going on the street live right to your home and support church leaders as a media platform. Can you help us by organizing the way TV dinner event?

Your Dinner event can be whatever you want it to be. Hold it after morning worship, or make it a brunch and have it afterwards. Serve a traditional Middle East dinner or make it a typical Middle Eastern day start to the day. Get together with your home group on a Saturday night or dinner with your weekday Bible Study group. Turn it into a prayer dinner or breakfast focusing on Christians in Iran or simply make it a fun time to share food together. Do whatever is right for your church!

Download The Way TV Dinner fundraising pack here or request a copy to be posted to you here.

Personal Challenges/Sponsored Events

If you’re taking part in a sponsored event – whether it’s a race, silence, bake-off or a swim - and you want to raise money for THE WAY TV , then you might want to consider using to help you collect sponsorship money.

Alternatively you can download the way TV sponsorship form here.


Give your time for a lasting impact

Do you want to see change in the Middle East , North Africa, Europe. America and Canada? God is using The Way TV to bring about change and you can be part of it. We need Christians in USA to pray for and support this amazing and unique ministry, and we need Volunteer Ambassadors to help us encourage them to do so. By joining the THE WAY TV Ambassador team you will enable The Way TV to continue to make and broadcast transforming Christian TV programmes. You will be making a lasting impact on the lives of millions.

Read more: Volunteer

How We Started?


Christians from East and West together with one purpose

THE WAY TV is made up of Christians from around the world who believe God can use Christian satellite television to transform the Middle East , North Africa, Europe, America and Canada.  The International Board, the majority of whom are local Church leaders living in the region, sets the goals and core policies of The Way TV.  The headquarters is situated in California USA and we have production studios across the region.  More than 50 local Christians from the region work for The Way TV.
THE WAY TV also has offices in countries across the world which seeks to encourage Christians to pray and financially support this vital ministry.  

Read more: How We Started?

Be Informed


Prayer is at the centre of our work and we covet your prayer support. THE WAY TV produces a monthly News & Prayer bulletin that will keep you up-to-date with the latest information and prayer needs. You can read the latest prayer diary here and subscribe here.

Read more: Be Informed

Connect with Christians all over the world

Connect with Christians in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, America and Canada through the ministry of THE WAY TV

It is exciting and a privilege to be part of the world wide body of Christ.  Your church life can be enriched and encouraged by learning from Christians in other parts of the globe.  They need your support, your prayers and your encouragement.

Read more: Connect with Christians all over the world



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THE WAY TV is made up of Christians from around the world who believe God can use Christian satellite television to transform the Middle East , North Africa, Europe, America and Canada...

more staff


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“It’s the first time I write to The Way TV’s channel as until now I was not able to tune to your broadcast. I am overwhelmed with joy because just recently I managed to tune to your excellent programs. Could you please extent your airtime a bit so we can benefit more? May God supply all your spiritual and physical needs so you would be able to spread the Word of God to the entire world.” – A man from Libya

man from Libya

“I would like to share my testimony. I met Jesus more than one time. And I would like to share it with all of you and my friends and family..” – A woman from Egypt

woman from Egypt

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The Way TV

Please pray for our service so that it may continue to expand. Please send your donation to the following address: P.O. Box 1677 Duarte, CA 91009.
